Journal of Harbin University of Commerce:Social Science Edition
创新持续性 离散久期模型 异质性
創新持續性 離散久期模型 異質性
창신지속성 리산구기모형 이질성
innovation persistence ; discrete time duration model; firm heterogeneity.
This study using a panel dataset of 549 China's public manufacturing firms over the period of 2002 -2012, using patent as proxy variables of innovation, to examine weather manufacturing firms exit the persistence of innovation by measuring the time of continuous innovation, and using survival analysis method. The empirical results show that: ( 1 ) China~ Manufacturing Firms exit persistence effect, and the average time is 9 years. (2) When the duration year is less that 3 years, the survival rate of scientific industries is greater than non - scientific industries, when the duration year is more that 3 years, the result inverse. At last, we use hazard rate as dependent variable, employing discrete time duration model to account for some problems in the prior continuous time duration model (firm heterogeneity and proportion hazard hypothesis), examining the determinants of innovations in China's manufacturing sector. The empirical results show that: (1) Firms'age and capital ratio have positive effect to persistence in- novation, firms' size have negative effect to persistence innovation, the effect of firms'profit is not significant. (2) The persistence of private enter- prises is greater than state - owned enterprises.