Academic Research
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求新癖 超越癖 碎片化 協作 新韋伯主義 公共價值
구신벽 초월벽 쇄편화 협작 신위백주의 공공개치
novatism; beyondism ; fragmentation ; collaboration ; Neo - eberian ; public value
Currently, public administration reforms in the countries across the world are being carried out in a variety of environments. There is no universal paradigm. Governments are following their own paths of reform, which has led to the diversification of post - NPM reform theories. New models like good governance, new public management, transnational public governance, multi - level governance, digital era governance, meta - governance, overall government, new public services, public value management, new Weberian state, and developmental state are popping up. The main reasons for the rise of post - NPM include : the stimulation of novatism and beyondism ; the shortcomings of NPM ; the fragmentation of public sector and the weakening of political control ; the influence of factors like governance, collaboration, network, globalization, communication technology ; the revival of Weberism and the birth of new bureaucracy; the rise of value rationality and the driving of democratic thoughts like public value, service, participation and consultation. Some elements of the new public management reforms include : governance, collaboration, overall, networking, pluralistic, open, partnership, participation, consultation and collective preferences, transparent, performance, trust, expectation, satisfaction and outcomes.