Enterprise Economy
储蓄存款 物权说 债权说 产权配置说
儲蓄存款 物權說 債權說 產權配置說
저축존관 물권설 채권설 산권배치설
savings deposit; theory of the real rights; theory of creditor' s rights; theory of property right configuration
In the debate about the legal attribute of deposits in our country, there are two major theories, i.e., real rights and creditor' s rights, but both of them fail to solve all sorts of problems which savings are involved with clearly. This situation is caused partly because it is only put in the context of Civil and Commercial law. However, savings relation is not only ad- justed by Civil and Commercial law, it also embodies the country's social intervention to it, which meanwhile needs the adjustment of the economic law. Property right relations, as a subfield of economic law, further reflects the relationship be- tween savers and banks' rights and duties about the bank of deposits. The formation process of savings deposits is cash currency property in the configuration process between the depositors and banks. Savers store cash to the bank, at the ex- pense of the loss of the possession and use of cash, and obtain the right to claim for cash payment, interests for banks and savings of disposition; with the ownership of the cash, banks can exercise for cash to possess, utilize, and seek profits and dispose of the rights in a certain degree. After the right configuration for deposits, depositors with bank for payment as key points produce a legal relationship, and the nature of the right to claim payment should be a collection of claim and the right of formation.