The Northern Forum
埃伦·伍德 新左翼 普兰查斯 拉克劳与墨菲 后现代主义
埃倫·伍德 新左翼 普蘭查斯 拉剋勞與墨菲 後現代主義
애륜·오덕 신좌익 보란사사 랍극로여묵비 후현대주의
Ellen Wood ; New Left ; Marxism ; Poulantzas ; Laclau/Mouffe ; Postmodernism
Ellen Meiksins Wood criticizes that the western New Left gradually deviate from classical marxism in theory after 1970s among whom Nicos Poulantzas, Laclau/Mouffe and Postmodernism are typical. In her opinion, Poulantzas raises the importance of ideology and politics too much and there are many mistakes and chaos in his theory which has a great deal of harm. She insists that there is a lot of misunderstanding in Laclau and Mouffe~ theory, that its " Radical Democracy" scheme is lack of reliable social foun- dation and its political strategy is essentially a kind of reformism. In addition, Wood analyses the specific historical roots of the Post- modernism, reveals its logical chaos in theory and indicates its politics is confusing which may have serious consequences. The start- ing point of Wood's criticism is guarding classical marxism, and the thinking method of it is marxist, but it is inappropriate in some other aspects, such as discretion.