Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University Social Sciences Edition
权力 时空尺度 中央与地方关系 资源配置
權力 時空呎度 中央與地方關繫 資源配置
권력 시공척도 중앙여지방관계 자원배치
power;spatio-temporal scale;central-local governments relations;allocation of public resources
This article proposes a classification of the powers related to the development of transportation in-frastructure and the concept of the spatio-temporal scale of powers ,which is further divided into the spatial and temporal scales of power subject and power object .It is also proposed that the explanation of the central and local governments’ influence on the allocation of the public resources should be framed from the spatio-temporal perspective .The speculative and empirical studies in the current research arrive at two meaningful findings .First ,the spatio-temporal relations between the power subjects and the power objects ,to a large extent ,determine the efficiency of the public resources allocation in transportation infrastructure construc-tion ;second ,it is conducive for the improvement of the efficiency of public resources allocation to reconcile the subjects and the objects spatio-temporally in the administrative power ,the financial power ,the power to appoint and dismiss administrative heads and the power of supervision .The research calls for the im-provement of the system of NPC at the grass-roots level ,the incentive compatibility between the local gov-ernment and the public to a larger extent ,and the enhancement of the legitimacy of the central govern-ment’s supervision on the local governments .