East China Economic Management
外部环境 闽台创意农业 合作绩效 结构方程模型
外部環境 閩檯創意農業 閤作績效 結構方程模型
외부배경 민태창의농업 합작적효 결구방정모형
external environment; creative agriculture between Fujian and Taiwan; cooperative performance; structural equation modeling
Based on the literature review, this study builds a theoretical model of the impact of external environment on the cooperative performance of creative agriculture between Fujian and Taiwan and designs the survey questionnaires accordingly. Then, it takes the creative agriculture enterprises in six national Taiwan Farmers Pioneer Park of Zhangpu, Zhangping, Xianyou, Qingliu, Fuqing and Huian in Fujian province as the survey object, collects the first-hand data, and makes an empirical test on the rationality and effectiveness of the theoretical model. The empirical resuhs show that: Among three exter- nal environment factors, infrastructure and policies and regulations have significant positive impacts on the cooperative per- formance of creative agriculture between Fujian and Taiwan, whereas the social trust does not have a remarkable positive im- pact on it. The research conclusions provide the decision-making basis for promoting the cooperative performance of creative agriculture, facilitate to further deepen the cooperation and promote the common development of creative agriculture between Fujian and Taiwan.