Journal of Physical Education
体育思想 健身教育 竞技 林笑峰
體育思想 健身教育 競技 林笑峰
체육사상 건신교육 경기 림소봉
physical education ideology;fitness education;competition;LIN Xiao-feng
林笑峰先生是我国著名体育学家,他不仅拥有丰富的体育理论,而且有全面的教育实践。对于体育本质理论的长期研究所得出的“Sports 不是体育”的观点,使其成为“体质派与真义体育派”的带头人。通过对林笑锋先生体育学术著作的检索与梳理,发现其学术研究主题专一、思想坚定、吸收国外体育研究理论颇多,学术思想集中体现出真、善、美、德等特点,其学术思想对推动我国体育事业发展具有重要意义。
林笑峰先生是我國著名體育學傢,他不僅擁有豐富的體育理論,而且有全麵的教育實踐。對于體育本質理論的長期研究所得齣的“Sports 不是體育”的觀點,使其成為“體質派與真義體育派”的帶頭人。通過對林笑鋒先生體育學術著作的檢索與梳理,髮現其學術研究主題專一、思想堅定、吸收國外體育研究理論頗多,學術思想集中體現齣真、善、美、德等特點,其學術思想對推動我國體育事業髮展具有重要意義。
림소봉선생시아국저명체육학가,타불부옹유봉부적체육이론,이차유전면적교육실천。대우체육본질이론적장기연구소득출적“Sports 불시체육”적관점,사기성위“체질파여진의체육파”적대두인。통과대림소봉선생체육학술저작적검색여소리,발현기학술연구주제전일、사상견정、흡수국외체육연구이론파다,학술사상집중체현출진、선、미、덕등특점,기학술사상대추동아국체육사업발전구유중요의의。
Mr. LIN Xiao-feng is a famous physical education scholar in China; he has not only a lot of physical education theories, but also comprehensive education practice. His view of “sport is not physical education” derived from his long term research on the theory of physical education essence made him the leader of “physical quality school” and “true physical education school”. By retrieving and collating Mr. LIN Xiao-feng’s physical education academic works, the authors found that his academic works were characterized by focused research topics, deter-mined ideas, a lot of foreign physical education theories absorbed, and his academic ideology collectively showing the values of trueness, kindness, beautifulness and morals, and that his academic ideology is significant for boosting physical education undertaking development in China.