Ecological Economy
雾霾治理 碳金融 排放权
霧霾治理 碳金融 排放權
무매치리 탄금융 배방권
Haze Governance; Carbon Finance; Emission Rights
2014年2月我国中东部地区有1.43×10^6 km^2雾霾笼罩,其中重度雾霾区更占总面积的一半以上,可见当前雾霾治理之迫切。长期以来雾霾治理往往强调行政手段,突出的矛盾是环境保护与经济发展相互冲突。从2013年底开始,我国许多城市为治理雾霾而开展排放权交易业务,而从国际法上讲,以排放权为核心的碳金融法律制度对雾霾的治理已有20余年历史,与行政手段相比其更加注重市场的价格机制,不仅效率更高而且避免了与经济发展之间的冲突。
2014年2月我國中東部地區有1.43×10^6 km^2霧霾籠罩,其中重度霧霾區更佔總麵積的一半以上,可見噹前霧霾治理之迫切。長期以來霧霾治理往往彊調行政手段,突齣的矛盾是環境保護與經濟髮展相互遲突。從2013年底開始,我國許多城市為治理霧霾而開展排放權交易業務,而從國際法上講,以排放權為覈心的碳金融法律製度對霧霾的治理已有20餘年歷史,與行政手段相比其更加註重市場的價格機製,不僅效率更高而且避免瞭與經濟髮展之間的遲突。
2014년2월아국중동부지구유1.43×10^6 km^2무매롱조,기중중도무매구경점총면적적일반이상,가견당전무매치리지박절。장기이래무매치리왕왕강조행정수단,돌출적모순시배경보호여경제발전상호충돌。종2013년저개시,아국허다성시위치리무매이개전배방권교역업무,이종국제법상강,이배방권위핵심적탄금융법률제도대무매적치리이유20여년역사,여행정수단상비기경가주중시장적개격궤제,불부효솔경고이차피면료여경제발전지간적충돌。
In February of 2014, there is 1.43 ×10^6 square kilometers area blanketed by haze in the eastern part of China, and more than half of them is serious polluted, which means it is a matter of great urgency to Governance the haze. For a long time haze governance is emphasized on administrative means, but the outstanding contradiction is the conflict between environmental protection and economic development. Since the end of 2013, a lot of cities in China began to governance the haze in the way of carrying out emission rights trading business, but in the view of international law, the carbon finance whose core is emission rights with a history of twenty years governance to the haze. Compared with the administrative means, this way pays more attention to the price mechanism of the market, which can not only have greater efficiency but also avoid the conflict with the economic development.