Journal of Central South Huiversity: Social Science
弥尔顿 《复乐园》 史诗英雄 耶稣 基督式英雄 原型
瀰爾頓 《複樂園》 史詩英雄 耶穌 基督式英雄 原型
미이돈 《복악완》 사시영웅 야소 기독식영웅 원형
John Milton; Paradise Regained; the epic hero; Jesus; the Christian Hero; the protopye
The present essay, by taking Milton’s own theology of Anti-Trinity as the perspective and by focusing on thesecond try of temptations in Paradise Regained as the major object of textual analysis, attempts to interpret the epichero Jesus from two aspects. First, Milton, in order to exhibit comprehensively Jesus’s qualities of “the Spirit within,”on the basis of the first temptation aiming at the cognitive level of knowing oneself, devises the second try oftemptations to target Jesus’s needs at another three levels in the material, the intellectual and will; it is Devil Satan’sinsistent temptations that help display Jesus as “the perfect man…/To carn Salvation for the Sons of men.” Second,Jesus’s resistance to all Satan’s temptations has been “brief” all through, which suggests the most effective strategy ofcounter-attack against the evil. These two aspects combine to expose Milton’s artistry in characterizing Jesus as theprototype of the Christian Hero.