Journal of Northeast Normal University(Social Science)
朝鲜停战 中立国监察委员会 停战监督 中美关系
朝鮮停戰 中立國鑑察委員會 停戰鑑督 中美關繫
조선정전 중입국감찰위원회 정전감독 중미관계
Korean Armistice; Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission; Truce Supervision; Sino-American Relationship
Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission is one of the important organizations which supervises the implementation of Korean Armistice. Its functions and position have been clearly and legally defined in Korean Armistice Treaty,however,the process of its establishment and the implementation of its functions are filled with twists and turns. This organization mainly originated from China's conception that the neutral nations should supervise Korean Armistice, which was in conflict with America's notion that the UN should take on this responsibility. Thus,in the process of truce negotiation,America tried to limit its position and after its establishment,she strenuously did damage when it implemented its functions in truce supervision and made it difficult to find a foothold in Republic of Korea. At last,America unilaterally forced this organization to withdraw to the demilitarized zone which made it impossible to normally perform its functions of truce supervision and became an organization that existed in name only.