Journal of Social Sciences
网络虚拟空间 政治沟通 执政合法性 去封闭性
網絡虛擬空間 政治溝通 執政閤法性 去封閉性
망락허의공간 정치구통 집정합법성 거봉폐성
the Internet Virtual Cyberspace; Political Communication; Ruling Legitimacy; De-closure
From the perspective of modernity and post modernity theory, the development of technological, network and virtual communication in the political domain has been greatly promoting the modem political system from the relatively closed one. Thus, this tendency in the political domain is further speeding up the deconstruction and generation of ruling legitimacy in the modem political system. From the aspect of its deconstruction, the main purpose of it is to reconstruct the ruling legitimacy by the means of eroding the mainstream ideology, defaming the government and the national images. However, the current political systems and vilifying or dwarfing if we talk about it from the aspect its generation, we can find this fact that the internet virtual cyberspace not only offers a new space to self-debate and perfect the ideology, but also offers a relieving space for the people to express their negative political emotions. Therefore, the modem political systems should comply with the technology and era to supply more institutions in order to build the inter-generated mechanism between the modern communication and the ruling legitimacy.