Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition)
同意 政治合法性 默认同意 民主 公共理由 审议
同意 政治閤法性 默認同意 民主 公共理由 審議
동의 정치합법성 묵인동의 민주 공공이유 심의
consent; political legitimacy; tacit Consent; democracy ; public reason ; deliberation
Since the western enlightenment, political theorists have taken consent as the basis of political legitimacy. In the classical social contract theory of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau, it is clear that in the state of nature peoplem the exertion of political power by the governor was legitimated by authorizing a governor, en- dowing him the right to rule. However, consent theory itself faces a series of dilemmas, such as the dilemma of tacit consent in Two Treatises of Government by John Locke and the dilemma that in the contemporary large and complex society and community, consent which is still attractive to justify the built of a legitimate state meets more difficulties in the practical demonstration of political legitimacy of a future state, in the meantime, theorists develop a new concept of consent taking vote or participation as consent. In this paper I will discuss all these attempts are unsuccessful. The resoure of political legitimacy transforms from consent to public reason eventually.