Journal of Lanzhor University(Social Sciences)
《水浒传》 梁山泊 宗教记忆 白莲教 民间宗教 红巾军
《水滸傳》 樑山泊 宗教記憶 白蓮教 民間宗教 紅巾軍
《수호전》 량산박 종교기억 백련교 민간종교 홍건군
The Water Margin; religious memory; the White Lotus; folk religion; the Red Turban army
The religion narrated in The Water Margin is not orthodox Taoism or Buddhism, nor is the mixture of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism; rather, it is the White Lotus, characteristic of folk religions. The time, place, name and logos addressed in the novel all imply and indicate the religious beliefs of the White Lotus and its historical activities, proving that The Water Margin is a memoir of the Red Turban Rebellion organized and led by the White Lotus at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. The outlaws and bandits portrayed in The Water Margin are the mirror images of the followers of the White Lotus. The motto held by the heroes or brothers in The Water Margin is "Right wrongs in accordance with heaven' s decree", which identifies the motto of "do heavenly righteousness" held by the Red Turban army. The Water Margin is an imagined narrative world.