Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications:Social Science Edition
碑刻 释文 校补
碑刻 釋文 校補
비각 석문 교보
epitaphs ; explanation ; correction
The Journal of National Museum of China of 2013 published Inscription about Mr. Wei from langzhong of Jiang Xianchun and Taag Dynasty Epitaph of Wang Shizhen Unerthed in Zheng ding of Feng Jinzhong and Zhao Shengquan, and published The Excavation of Tang Dynasty Tomb of Jia Danyi, Prefect of Luo zhou of Luyang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology anti Tung Dynasty Epitaph of Cui Zai Unearthed in Beijing of Lu Xiaofan. The fuur inscriptions nut only were released chart with Interpretations, but also studied the host' s life story. ,ancestors and descendants, which provided a good new material for historical research. But some errors existed, including missing, corruption, and many other errors. Today we will be carefully collate the original explanation and lnscriptiuns, to better restore the original ap- pearance of Beituo,so better use of these materlals can be obtained.