Journal of Xi'an Foreign Languages University
佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿 《他们眼望上苍》 生态女性主义 婚姻观
佐拉·尼爾·赫斯頓 《他們眼望上蒼》 生態女性主義 婚姻觀
좌랍·니이·혁사돈 《타문안망상창》 생태녀성주의 혼인관
Zora Neale Hurston ; Their Eyes Were Watching God ; eco-feminism ; the view on marriage
Their Eyes Were Watching God, a classic of Zora Neale Hurston, reputes as a milestone in the history of African- American literature. This paper, through an eco-feminist analysis and interpretation of the heroine Janie' s pursuit of self-realization in her three marriages, is aimed at revealing Janie' s enlightened and natural view of marriage that starts, grows, and matures as part of her view of the nature, and the eco-feminism that seeks equality and harmony between men and women and advocates women emancipation and the liberation of nature.