Journal of Northwest University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
正犯与共犯区分体系 单一正犯体系 解释论 立法论
正犯與共犯區分體繫 單一正犯體繫 解釋論 立法論
정범여공범구분체계 단일정범체계 해석론 입법론
The Principal and Accomplice Offender; the Unitary Principal Offender; legislative science;criminal hermeneutics
About the debate of the complicity system of the Chinese Criminal Law, there are three kinds of the- ory, the Principal and Accomplice Offender Theory, the Unitary Principal Offender Theory and the New Type Theory. People who support the New Type Theory cannot learn about the essential differences between the Principal and Accomplice Offender and the Unitary complicity system theories will be helpful to choose Principal Offender. In a word, explaining the value of the above the Principal and Accomplice Offender Theory and the Unitary Principal Offender Theory. To study the value of the complicity system, it will be explained in four aspects, the constitutive requirement, the protecting rechtsgueter principle, personal liability principle and the measurement of penalty. The Principal and Accomplice Offender is better than the Unitary Principal Offender in the respect of the measurement of penalty. And it will be harmful to the judicial practice if there lack the ways of measurement of penalty when the lawmaker adopts the Unitary Principal Offender. In conclusio Principal and Accomplice Offender is worth of being adopted in the legislation of the complicity system Chinese Criminal Law. n, the of the Chinese Criminal Law.