Shandong Economy
全球价值链 世界投入产出表 TiVA数据库 增加值贸易
全毬價值鏈 世界投入產齣錶 TiVA數據庫 增加值貿易
전구개치련 세계투입산출표 TiVA수거고 증가치무역
global value chain; world input-output table; TiVA database; value added trade
Using world input-output tables and TiVA database,the domestic value added of China’s exports is found to be declining from 1995 to 2009,while the foreign value added increasing.In recent years,the domestic added value of Chinese exports is picking up.This paper decomposes respectively the direct and indirect values added of domestic departments which are embodied in exports,as well as the domestic and foreign added value embodied in imported inputs.This paper takes for an example the manufacturing industry of China’s electrical and optical equipment,carefully examines,through decomposition its global value chain and discovers,that many domestic and foreign sectors have contributed value added to this final product especially the domestic service sectors.Suggestions are made that China's manufacturing sectors should strengthen the self innovation and R&D input,continually improve the domestic value added of exports.Chinese government should also strongly promote the development of service sectors and support the manufacturing sectors to participate in the specialization of global value chain.