Education & Economy
普通高校 基础设施 效用偏差 供给逻辑
普通高校 基礎設施 效用偏差 供給邏輯
보통고교 기출설시 효용편차 공급라집
regular higher school; infrastructure; utility deviation; supply logic
Since the enrollment expansion of colleges in 1999,,regular higher schools have faced the problem of"ineffectiveness of infrastructure ".Taking the mean space of regular higher schools' housing for students and its benchmark values as the analysis bases, analyzing the utility deviation of students' schoolhouses, and using the entropy method to measure the index weights of utility deviation in the eight kinds of students' schoolhouses, to make a comprehensive evaluation of the utility deviation of schoolhouses inthe years since the enrollment expansion. The study finds that eight indicators of utility deviation can be divided into "health-based" indicator, "incentive " indicator and "intermediate" indicator; Besides, the utility of schools' housing for students is not going well and is in a "back-wards" state to some extent since the 1999 of enrollment. This shows that first of all, the government is lack of effective macrocontrol to the infrastructure of regular higher schools; Second, regular higher schools have an improper performance on the input of logistic support in the enrollment expansion, but facing the"important opportunity"to improve the comprehensive utility of students' schoolhouses.. Third, there is a tendency on regular higher schools to realize the maximization of group interests; Fourth, regular higher schools have showed the administrative characteristics of"herding-cattle-style", and formed the"input inertia effect"to some degree.