Journal of Yanbian University(Social Sciences)
钓鱼岛 吞并琉球 《马关条约》 战后处置 搁置争议
釣魚島 吞併琉毬 《馬關條約》 戰後處置 擱置爭議
조어도 탄병류구 《마관조약》 전후처치 각치쟁의
Diaoyu Islands; annexation of Ryukyu; Treaty of Shimonoseki; the outcomes of the victory of World Anti-Fascist War; leaving the issue to be resolved later
Affiliated to Taiwan Island, Diaoyu Islands were first discovered, named and exploited by China, so China iustified claiming inchoate title in accordance with the international law. Japan seized Ryukyu as Okinawa Prefecture after the Meiji Restoration and se- cretly "included" Diaoyu Islands into its territory at the end of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894--1895. Japan then forced China to sign the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki and cede to Japan the island of Formosa (Taiwan), together with the Diaoyu Islands. After the Sec- ond World War, Diaoyu Islands were returned to China in accordance with Cairo Declaration, Potsdam Proclamation and the Japanese Instrument of Surrender. However, the United States arbitrarily included the Diaoyu Islands under its trusteeship in the 1950s and"re- turned" the "power of administration" over Diaoyu Islands to Japan in 1971. As China and Japan were normalizing relations, leaders of the two countries reached important consensus on "leaving the issue of the Diaoyu Islands to be resolved later". In recent years, however, Japan has repeatedly taken unilateral measures and conducted in particular the so-called"nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands. This severely infringed upon China's sovereignty. China has, over the past years, taken resolute measures to safeguard its sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands. At present, the tense situation of Diaoyu Islands is temporarily eased.