Science of Law
南海 涉外侵权 渔业权 南海主权
南海 涉外侵權 漁業權 南海主權
남해 섭외침권 어업권 남해주권
South China Sea; foreign-related tort; fisheries right; the sovereignty of the South China sea
The fishery right of Chinese fishermen in South China Sea frequently suffered foreign invasion,most of the infringers are foreign organs representing the will of the state,the essence of tort is to occupy islands and waters in the South China Sea,fishing rights and sovereignty is inseparable,so the fishery right system for the South China Sea must undertake such functions as maintaining the sovereignty of the South China Sea,encourage fishermen to exercise their fishery right in the South China Sea,and counter the foreign-related infringement on behalf of the will of foreign nations. However,the current system is difficult to adapt to and meet the special requirements of fishery rights' protection of the South China Sea,because the establishment and circulation is most rigid and conservative,administrative protection is short of the support of power and law enforcement,and judicial mechanisms for the foreign fishermen infringer do not exist,foreign-related tort liability is not severe,and so on. China shall establish a special corresponding legal system for the South China Sea by innovative administrative regulations or departmental rules and local regulations in line with international law and customs.