Journal of Henan University(Social Science)
《四库全书总目》 小说家类 匡误
《四庫全書總目》 小說傢類 劻誤
《사고전서총목》 소설가류 광오
Total Contents of the Selections from the Four Branches of Literature; the novelist category; error correction
Most of the general statements,general prefaces,prefaces and summaries of each book from the Total Contents of the Selections from the Four Branches of Literature are written by the famous Confucians like Jiyun,whose value is recognized by the academia,but there are also many defects.Take the novelist category as an example,its theoretical analysis and work summary show the phenomenon of inconsistency,mainly as follows:the cognition of the unreality of the"novel"is inconsistent with the censure to the unrealistic content of the concrete works in the summary;the"historian"standard in writing the summary is inconsistent with the"novel"standard in the preface;the concept is ambiguous and the standard is inconsistent in collecting and summarizing works,etc.