Modern Law Science
第三人侵权行为 过错责任和无过错责任 第三人责任 不真正连带责任
第三人侵權行為 過錯責任和無過錯責任 第三人責任 不真正連帶責任
제삼인침권행위 과착책임화무과착책임 제삼인책임 불진정련대책임
the third party's tortious act; fault liability and no-fault liability; the third party's tort liability; untrue joint and several liability
The third party's tort refers to the third party's infringement which is the only cause of the damage occurred,there is no casual link in law between the damage and the other person concerned. However,there is connection about act,either objectively or subjectively,which essentially belongs to the form of tort separately. The corresponding form of liability of the third party's tort is diversified,which need to distinguish the fault liability and no-fault liability. In the fault liability( including the presumed-fault liability),the third party's tort usually corresponds to the third party's liability,namely full responsibility by the third person alone,the other person concerned does not assume any responsibility,except as otherwise provided by law.While in the no-fault liability,on the contrary,unless the law explicitly stipulated the third party's liability,otherwise the other person concerned should take the untrue joint and several liability with the third party,except as otherwise provided by law. After assuming liability,the other person concerned achieves the effect of the ultimate liability exemption through the way of recover from the third party.