Journal of Physical Education
健康教育 体育课 教育关系 课程综合化 学校体育 共生理论 体育功能 资源条件
健康教育 體育課 教育關繫 課程綜閤化 學校體育 共生理論 體育功能 資源條件
건강교육 체육과 교육관계 과정종합화 학교체육 공생이론 체육공능 자원조건
school physical education;physical education class;health education
针对中小学“体育不宜做为健康教育主要载体”的言论,从共生理论、课程综合化趋势、学校体育功能流变、客观资源条件4 个视角进行分析,提出体育课与健康教育分开不可取,学校的体育和健康教育,应当探寻在同一目标体系下共生互利,走课程综合化道路.
針對中小學“體育不宜做為健康教育主要載體”的言論,從共生理論、課程綜閤化趨勢、學校體育功能流變、客觀資源條件4 箇視角進行分析,提齣體育課與健康教育分開不可取,學校的體育和健康教育,應噹探尋在同一目標體繫下共生互利,走課程綜閤化道路.
침대중소학“체육불의주위건강교육주요재체”적언론,종공생이론、과정종합화추세、학교체육공능류변、객관자원조건4 개시각진행분석,제출체육과여건강교육분개불가취,학교적체육화건강교육,응당탐심재동일목표체계하공생호리,주과정종합화도로.
Aiming at such a remark about health education in elementary and middle schools as “physical educationis not suitable for acting as a major carrier of health education”, from such 4 perspectives as the theory of symbiosis,the tendency of curriculum integration, the evolvement of school physical education functions, and objective resourceconditions, the authors put forward the following opinions: the “theory of separation” is not a desirable way;from the perspective of school education, physical education and health education should look for symbiosis andmutual benefits under the same objective system, and get on the track of curriculum integration.