Journal of Capital College of Physical Education
张德良 石萌 张峰 张小敬
張德良 石萌 張峰 張小敬
장덕량 석맹 장봉 장소경
武术 课程设计 打练并进 生成性教学 运动教育 运动季节
武術 課程設計 打練併進 生成性教學 運動教育 運動季節
무술 과정설계 타련병진 생성성교학 운동교육 운동계절
martial arts; curriculum design; mutual promotion of combating and training; generative teaching; sports education; sports season
The fundamental purpose of curriculum design is educational. It is martial arts educators" mdtspensable responsibility to deal with the issue of martial arts curriculum design in a rational and dialectical manner. In this paper, the theoretical basis for curriculum design is reviewed from philosophical, psychological and pedagogical angles. Martial arts curriculum design for primary and secondary schools is reflected and reconstructed from a complex scientific perspective. The results show that Chinese martial arts, which contain various unique categories, cannot be unified with the same rule or standard. As a result, it' s inappropriate to be publicized on a general standard in primary and secondary schools. The content of martial arts Dan System Series Tutorial is so miscellaneous that it is not suitable for publication due that it does not reflect the original nature of martial arts. At the same time, the mutual promotion of combating and training can improve the student's decorum and ethics, enhance their civil and martial qualities, and raise their combating and routine performing abilities, which actually embody the authentic nature of martial arts. The selection and organization of the teaching content of the mutual promotion of combating and practicing should be gradual and consistent. It is also advisable to make use of sports season, advanced technology, the informationization of martial arts curriculum, generative teaching mode and sport education mode, so as to make martial arts education occur throughout sports activities which is the strong guarantee and specific approach for the implementation of martial arts curriculum.