Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
新型农村居民养老保险 激励机制 再分配
新型農村居民養老保險 激勵機製 再分配
신형농촌거민양로보험 격려궤제 재분배
the new rural social pension insurance;incentive M echanism;redistribution
Based on the partial equilibrium analysis fram ew ork, the incentive and redistributive effects of the four pension insurance m odes for new rural residents w ere calculated in actuarial m ethod. T he results show that the existing system has low incentive effects on the w illingness of people of m iddle and young ages to buy insurance and their choices of pay level of insurance, although this system ow ns intergenerational redistribution effects to a certain extent, there are not only no redistribution effects on the intra-redistribution,but also som e of them even bring reverse transfer of incom e. It’s unrealistic to balance incentive and redistribution effects by m eans of finance in the existing system;on the contrary,it w ill affect the prom otion of the security level. T herefore the new rural social pension insurance should be optim ized,and the key is to clarify the functions betw een the financial subsidies and individual accounts. Financial subsi-dies should focus on redistribution effect and be inclined to pay high age and low incom e residents,w hile individual ac-counts should m ainly focus on the incentive effect, m otivate residents insured by a higher rate of return, and enhance the level of protection.