University Education Science
《荀子·劝学篇》 “入乎耳,著乎心,布乎四体,形乎动静” 研究性学习 问题与策略
《荀子·勸學篇》 “入乎耳,著乎心,佈乎四體,形乎動靜” 研究性學習 問題與策略
《순자·권학편》 “입호이,저호심,포호사체,형호동정” 연구성학습 문제여책략
Xun Zi · Encouraging Leaming, entered into the ear, went into the heart, covered hands and feet, reflected in the behavior, research -based study, problems and strategies
Xun Zi. Encouraging Leaming proposed the point of view of "entered into the ear, went into the heart, covered hands and feet, reflected in the behavior" ,and this is a kind of research study concept. Based on the interpretation of research study in Xun Zi Encouraging Learning ,this article puts forward that the essence of the postgraduates learning is research-based study. Current postgraduates have learning problems of narrow scope of knowledge, superficial thinking and ill-formed writing. On the ground of the thought of learning in Xun Zi. Encouraging Learning, postgraduates should extend their reading, think deeply and write diligently to advance postgraduates research study.