Journal of Hunan Finance and Economic University
科技创新 区域科技创新能力 技术创新 大湘西地区
科技創新 區域科技創新能力 技術創新 大湘西地區
과기창신 구역과기창신능력 기술창신 대상서지구
scientific and technological innovation; region technological innovation ability; technological innovation; the western region in Hunan
There is an important strategic significance for region economic and social development to foster regional scientific and technological innovation capability. At present, the overall level of economic development is not high of the western re- gion in Hunan, infrastructure is insufficient, and industrial structure is not optimal; legal guarantees of regional science and technology is lack and existing technology policy is not in place to implement, and enterprise technology innovation capability is weak. We must further improve the legal system to promote scientific and technological innovation nurtured, promote the implementation of policies fostering technological innovation, build enterprise intellectual property protection and management system, strengthen technological innovation consciousness, encourage enterprises to carry out technological innovation, guide and encourage enterprises to carry out technological innovation and collaboration, to promote the cultivation technological innovation ability of the western region in Hunan.