Soft Science
拥堵收费 时间价值 居民异质性 时空集聚 系统最优
擁堵收費 時間價值 居民異質性 時空集聚 繫統最優
옹도수비 시간개치 거민이질성 시공집취 계통최우
congestion charge; VOT; user heterogeneity; spatio-temporal agglomeration; system optimum
Traditional congestion charging ignores user heterogeneity,which makes it inefficient to avoid the spatio-temporal agglomeration for travel. Taking the difference of value of time( VOT) into consideration,this paper explores the feasibility of the congestion charging based on VOT,from the spatio-temporal agglomeration perspective. It integrates the VOT with the travel costs to analyze the running for the road network,making a function based on the maximum benefit of the residents to build a optimization model for the road network system. On the foundation of VOT to charge,it sets dynamic time-varying rates of charges for roads' attributes,and examines the effects of congestion charge from both traffic flow and fairness. The results of numerical simulation present that in view of the congestion charging involved time of value,residents with a rigid travel will face various paths for different cost,which will lower the elasticity of the travel demand. Furthermore,the traffic flow shifting to off-peak hours can not only ease traffic congestion during peak periods,but also boost recognition of congestion charging under the equitable principle.