Archaeology and Cultural Relics
肩水金关汉简 《汉居摄元年历谱》 缀合 小时 血忌 月杀 反支
肩水金關漢簡 《漢居攝元年歷譜》 綴閤 小時 血忌 月殺 反支
견수금관한간 《한거섭원년력보》 철합 소시 혈기 월살 반지
The Han bamboo slips of Jianshui Jinguan; The Calendar of the Jushe first year(A.D.6) of the Han Dynasty; Refitting; Xiaoshi(Month)
There are 27 bamboo slips of calendar excavated from the No.23 test trench at the Jianshui Jinguan site.Among them, 9 complete slips and other 13 fragmentary slips can be reorganized and refitted as The Calendar of the Jushe first year of the Han Dynasty. Although this calendar is not complete, the author suggests it is still possible to get a glimpse of the overall content and structure of the calendar.In addition, in comparison with other published calendars recorded in bamboo slips, this one presents a prominent character in terms of its stylistic characteristics and thus owns a higher research value.There are 5 other bamboo slips of calendar that have been excavated from the same test trench.One of them appears to belong to this calendar, but at this stage this idea cannot be confirmed as textual research on the content about its name and nature is not available yet; one might belong to another calendar due to the shape and calligraphy of characters; the other two belong to the calendar of the Jushe third year(A.D.8)and Ganlu second year(A.D.52); the last one, Fanzhi bamboo slip, belongs to the calendar of the Hongjia second year.