Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)
黎明 黎 辞书 传统训诂
黎明 黎 辭書 傳統訓詁
려명 려 사서 전통훈고
Liming(黎明); li(黎); dictionary; traditional w ord meaning explanation
The interpretation of liming( 黎明) in dictionaries are in great confusion,due to the w rong annotations in the ancient time. In fact,the meaning of liming refers to the period of time betw een night and day. One view,raised by Yan Shigu w ho annotated Hanshu thought that liming( 黎明) is another version of "liming( 邌明) ",w hich is actually w rong. Another view,proposed in the Sequel of Shiji considered that li( 黎) is equal w ith bi( 比) and liming( 黎明) refers to the period of time w hich lasts for the daylight. It is also not true. How ever,in the Sequel of Shiji,there is another explanation of liming( 黎明) in w hich li( 黎) means dark and liming( 黎明) thus refers to the period time between night and day,which is the right annotation. Li( 黎)in liming( 黎明) should be interpreted as black,because black is its basic meaning. In addition,it can be concluded from this sort of compound w ord in the form of tw o opposite morphemes that the meaning of the former morpheme must be black.