Journal of Shandong Normal University(Social Science Edition)
生态农业 生物自然力 农业法制
生態農業 生物自然力 農業法製
생태농업 생물자연력 농업법제
eco1ogica1 agricu1ture;natura1 forces of organisms;agricu1tura1 1ega1 system
Whereas“anti-natura1ness”is the critica1 reason for the a1ienation of agricu1tura1 techno1ogy, to“return to nature”is the trend for the deve1opment of agricu1tura1 techno1ogy. The natura1 forces of or-ganisms are those of the“mutua1 generation and restriction”among organisms. In the deve1opment of ag-ricu1ture,to construct a 1ega1 system of agricu1ture to promote the emp1oyment of natura1 forces of organ-isms is an important route to reso1ve the prob1em of the a1ienation of agricu1ture and the deve1opment of an eco1ogica1 agricu1ture. And,as a contro11ing concept and a corresponding theoretica1 framework,natura1 forces confer means for the constructing of the 1ega1 system of a macroscopica11y integrative eco1ogica1 ag-ricu1ture ,so as to set the re1evant matters and 1ega1 systems in order and e1evate them to the 1eve1 of theo-ry ,thus providing a“b1ueprint”for the integration and deve1opment of the 1ega1 system of eco1ogica1 agri-cu1ture.