Taiwan Research Quarterly
两岸金融 两岸贸易 两岸投资 VAR VEC
兩岸金融 兩岸貿易 兩岸投資 VAR VEC
량안금융 량안무역 량안투자 VAR VEC
cross-Strait finance, cross-Strait trade, cross-Strait investment, Vector Auto-Regression model, Vector Error Correction model
Based on the monthly data collected from the cross-Strait finance, trade and investment from July, 2009 to A- pril, 2014 since the signing of ECFA, this paper makes a detailed analysis of the interaction between the cross-Strait finance and trade and investment by using Vector Auto-Regression (VAR) model and Vector Error Correction (VEC) model. The findings indicate that in the long term, there exist the stable relations of interaction between finance and trade and investment, and that in the short term, the cross-Strait finance can exert significant influence on the cross-Strait trade & investment while the trade and investment can only partly affect the finance. On the other hand, the exchange rate between RMB and NTD tends, to some extent, to be exogenous in these economic systems, but its fluctuation can affect the finance, trade and invest- ment. All these show that the finance has played a positive role in the promotion of the trade and investment whereas the roles of the latter on the former are not quite obvious, which means that the roles the trade and investment should have played in ad- vancing the finance have not been brought into full play. This suggests that there is great potential for development in the cross- Strait financial cooperation in the future.