Advances In Psychological Science
多维项目反应理论 计算机化自适应测验 能力估计方法 选题策略 终止规则
多維項目反應理論 計算機化自適應測驗 能力估計方法 選題策略 終止規則
다유항목반응이론 계산궤화자괄응측험 능력고계방법 선제책략 종지규칙
multidimensional item response theory; computerized adaptive testing; ability estimation; item selection method; stopping rule
多维计算机化自适应测验(multidimensional computerized adaptive testing,MCAT)以多维项目反应理论为基础实现同时估计被试在测验每个维度上的能力水平,并通过计算机化自适应测验提高诊断评估的准确性和效率,因而具有广阔的应用前景。基于对MCAT的模型基础、能力估计方法、选题策略和终止规则的详细介绍和评价,提出了MCAT未来研究方向的几点思考。
多維計算機化自適應測驗(multidimensional computerized adaptive testing,MCAT)以多維項目反應理論為基礎實現同時估計被試在測驗每箇維度上的能力水平,併通過計算機化自適應測驗提高診斷評估的準確性和效率,因而具有廣闊的應用前景。基于對MCAT的模型基礎、能力估計方法、選題策略和終止規則的詳細介紹和評價,提齣瞭MCAT未來研究方嚮的幾點思攷。
다유계산궤화자괄응측험(multidimensional computerized adaptive testing,MCAT)이다유항목반응이론위기출실현동시고계피시재측험매개유도상적능력수평,병통과계산궤화자괄응측험제고진단평고적준학성화효솔,인이구유엄활적응용전경。기우대MCAT적모형기출、능력고계방법、선제책략화종지규칙적상세개소화평개,제출료MCAT미래연구방향적궤점사고。
Multidimensional computerized adaptive testing (MCAT) is based on the multidimensional item response theory and computerized adaptive testing. It can not only assess the examinees’ multidimensional ability, but also improve the measurement accuracy and test efficiency of cognitive diagnostic assessment. Hence, there will be a wild area for the application of MCAT. Based on the detailed introduction and evaluation of the MCAT which including the measurement model, the ability estimation method, the item selection methods and test stopping rule, some issues of MCAT which valued further research have been proposed.