Tribune of Political Science and Law(Journal of China University of Political Science and Law)
“五四宪法” 国家主席 制宪权 毛泽东 “过渡时期”
“五四憲法” 國傢主席 製憲權 毛澤東 “過渡時期”
“오사헌법” 국가주석 제헌권 모택동 “과도시기”
"1954 Constitution" ; the State Chairman ( Zhu Xi) ; Constituent Power; Mao Zedong; Transition Period
A problem is generated that how to institutionalize the Founding Father with constitutional norms in a democratic regime after the French Revolution ,which triggers a fierce debate over the 1954 Consti- tution of PRC. One school of thought holds that a revolutionary leader is a state president in its essence, for that founding a state is only an intermediate tache of the communist revolution. Reversely, the other argues that the State Chairman has no place in the constitution, or must be de - substantialized, because it is harmful for con- stitutional spirit with taking one individual person as the political power center under the premise of the popular sovereignty as a constitutional principle. Yet, in the sight of Mao, the State Chairman has no need for a substan- tive position, but an authoritative power, which could be an institutional guarantee the principate, but for the fight direction of socialist state along with "the continuing revolution" in the course of Transition Period. In the final arrangement and subsequent practicing of the 1954 Constitution of PRC ,the State Chairman wins the pow- er to command the nation' s armed forces and call The Supreme State Conference, and achieves the purpose effectively. But the institution collapses ultimately for the mismatch between the continuity of revolutionary politics and the cyclicity of routine politics.