Nationalities Research In Qinghai
含义 指谓 政体 族体
含義 指謂 政體 族體
함의 지위 정체 족체
Meaning; Representive; Regime; Ethnic Group
uj ur一词的含义和指谓经历了三个历史阶段:最初为部落集团的泛称;后发展为封建世袭制性质的汗国(εl)名称;1921年用作统一的民族称谓,自1934年开始汉译为"维吾尔"三字并沿用至今。鉴于维吾尔文等突厥语文历史著作中不加区别地使用uj ur一词极易导致混乱,而该词在不同的历史时期也有着不同的发音形式,建议根据突厥语历史音变的特点另造若干专词用来指称不同历史时期、不同范畴的uj ur。
uj ur一詞的含義和指謂經歷瞭三箇歷史階段:最初為部落集糰的汎稱;後髮展為封建世襲製性質的汗國(εl)名稱;1921年用作統一的民族稱謂,自1934年開始漢譯為"維吾爾"三字併沿用至今。鑒于維吾爾文等突厥語文歷史著作中不加區彆地使用uj ur一詞極易導緻混亂,而該詞在不同的歷史時期也有著不同的髮音形式,建議根據突厥語歷史音變的特點另造若榦專詞用來指稱不同歷史時期、不同範疇的uj ur。
uj ur일사적함의화지위경력료삼개역사계단:최초위부락집단적범칭;후발전위봉건세습제성질적한국(εl)명칭;1921년용작통일적민족칭위,자1934년개시한역위"유오이"삼자병연용지금。감우유오이문등돌궐어문역사저작중불가구별지사용uj ur일사겁역도치혼란,이해사재불동적역사시기야유착불동적발음형식,건의근거돌궐어역사음변적특점령조약간전사용래지칭불동역사시기、불동범주적uj ur。
The meaning and representive of the word uj ur went through three historical periods: Firstly, it was a general term of tribe group, then a name of feudal hereditary properties khanate, the name of the nation since 1921 which has been translated into the word Uygur. Because it easily causes confusion to use the word uj ur indiscriminatingly in Turkic history works, and the word has different pronunciation in different historical periods, the writer's suggestion is to make some other terms to refer to Uj ur of different historical periods and different categories according to the characteristics of the Turkic change in history.