China Polulation.Resources and Environment
郑娟尔 姚华军 袁国华 冯春涛
鄭娟爾 姚華軍 袁國華 馮春濤
정연이 요화군 원국화 풍춘도
采矿用地 矿山地质环境恢复治理 土地整治 资金使用效益
採礦用地 礦山地質環境恢複治理 土地整治 資金使用效益
채광용지 광산지질배경회복치리 토지정치 자금사용효익
mining land;mine geological environment recovery;land reclamation;efficiency in the use of funds
本文采用panel data 模型和空间分析方法对我国采矿占损土地的时空分布、影响因素和资金使用效益进行了定量研究。2003-2012年,我国矿山累计占用和破坏土地面积呈增加趋势,治理任务繁重。以31个省(市)10年数据开展的计量研究表明,当年和上一年采掘业固定资产投资的增加会对当年采矿占损土地面积的增加起显著正向作用,当年及上一年治理总资金的增加会显著提高本年恢复治理面积。由于历史遗留问题严重,现有治理资金无法对累计采矿占损土地面积的下降起显著作用。同时,研究结果还表明,中央财政专项资金起到了拉动地方财政和企业投入矿区环境整治的积极性,并对当年恢复治理面积的增加起到了显著作用。建议进一步完善矿山地质环境恢复治理保证金制度,从源头上减少采矿占损土地,加大资金投入并提高资金使用效率,积极吸纳社会资本参与矿区土地综合整治,大力发展矿山环境保护和土地复垦新技术,加强公众监督。
本文採用panel data 模型和空間分析方法對我國採礦佔損土地的時空分佈、影響因素和資金使用效益進行瞭定量研究。2003-2012年,我國礦山纍計佔用和破壞土地麵積呈增加趨勢,治理任務繁重。以31箇省(市)10年數據開展的計量研究錶明,噹年和上一年採掘業固定資產投資的增加會對噹年採礦佔損土地麵積的增加起顯著正嚮作用,噹年及上一年治理總資金的增加會顯著提高本年恢複治理麵積。由于歷史遺留問題嚴重,現有治理資金無法對纍計採礦佔損土地麵積的下降起顯著作用。同時,研究結果還錶明,中央財政專項資金起到瞭拉動地方財政和企業投入礦區環境整治的積極性,併對噹年恢複治理麵積的增加起到瞭顯著作用。建議進一步完善礦山地質環境恢複治理保證金製度,從源頭上減少採礦佔損土地,加大資金投入併提高資金使用效率,積極吸納社會資本參與礦區土地綜閤整治,大力髮展礦山環境保護和土地複墾新技術,加彊公衆鑑督。
본문채용panel data 모형화공간분석방법대아국채광점손토지적시공분포、영향인소화자금사용효익진행료정량연구。2003-2012년,아국광산루계점용화파배토지면적정증가추세,치리임무번중。이31개성(시)10년수거개전적계량연구표명,당년화상일년채굴업고정자산투자적증가회대당년채광점손토지면적적증가기현저정향작용,당년급상일년치리총자금적증가회현저제고본년회복치리면적。유우역사유류문제엄중,현유치리자금무법대루계채광점손토지면적적하강기현저작용。동시,연구결과환표명,중앙재정전항자금기도료랍동지방재정화기업투입광구배경정치적적겁성,병대당년회복치리면적적증가기도료현저작용。건의진일보완선광산지질배경회복치리보증금제도,종원두상감소채광점손토지,가대자금투입병제고자금사용효솔,적겁흡납사회자본삼여광구토지종합정치,대력발전광산배경보호화토지복은신기술,가강공음감독。
In this paper, panel data model and spatial analysis were used to analyze the features and driving factors which contributed to China’ s land occupied or destructed by mining, accompanied with efficiency analysis on remediation funds. During the period of 2003 to 2012, cumulative land occupied or destructed by mining were increasing, so we faced heavy remediation tasks. A quantitative study with 31 provinces ( cities) shows that, the increased of fixed assets investment on mining industry that very year and the previous year would bring the increase of the cumulative land occupied or destructed by mining that year significantly, the total funds on remediation by that year and previous year also would increase that year ’ s restoration area significantly. But due to the serious historical problems, the existing fund is unable to affect the cumulative land occupied or destructed by mining significantly. The study also shows that, the funds input for remediation of the mine environment have stimulated local financial input and business investment on mine environment remediation, and have positive effects on the restored land that year. This paper suggests that deposit system for restoration should be improved;funds on land reclamation and the efficiency of fund utilization should be increased;mechanism should be innovated to absorb social capital into the general remediation of land occupied or destructed by mining; new technology on land reclamation should be vigorously developed;and public supervision on mining land reclamation should be enhanced.