Journal of Shandong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
新造船 试航 船舶营运 船舶操作 海事赔偿责任限制
新造船 試航 船舶營運 船舶操作 海事賠償責任限製
신조선 시항 선박영운 선박조작 해사배상책임한제
new-build vessel;sea trial;service of a ship;operation of a ship;Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims
从实然性角度视之,我国《海商法》第207条中的"船舶营运"应是立法者在立法移植《1976年海事赔偿责任限制公约》时对"Operation of a Ship"的误译,该英文词组的正确含义应是"船舶操作"。试航中的新造船应属于《海商法》第十一章所调整的船舶。造船人可被认定为船舶所有人而援引海事赔偿责任限制权利。从应然性角度视之,为促进我国国内立法与国际立法的协调统一,同时促进我国造船业和保险业的健康发展,我国相关法律规定及司法实践应承认试航新造船的海事赔偿责任限制权利。
從實然性角度視之,我國《海商法》第207條中的"船舶營運"應是立法者在立法移植《1976年海事賠償責任限製公約》時對"Operation of a Ship"的誤譯,該英文詞組的正確含義應是"船舶操作"。試航中的新造船應屬于《海商法》第十一章所調整的船舶。造船人可被認定為船舶所有人而援引海事賠償責任限製權利。從應然性角度視之,為促進我國國內立法與國際立法的協調統一,同時促進我國造船業和保險業的健康髮展,我國相關法律規定及司法實踐應承認試航新造船的海事賠償責任限製權利。
종실연성각도시지,아국《해상법》제207조중적"선박영운"응시입법자재입법이식《1976년해사배상책임한제공약》시대"Operation of a Ship"적오역,해영문사조적정학함의응시"선박조작"。시항중적신조선응속우《해상법》제십일장소조정적선박。조선인가피인정위선박소유인이원인해사배상책임한제권리。종응연성각도시지,위촉진아국국내입법여국제입법적협조통일,동시촉진아국조선업화보험업적건강발전,아국상관법률규정급사법실천응승인시항신조선적해사배상책임한제권리。
Under the present Maritime Code of the People's Republic of China (CMC ) , the“Operation of a Ship” under the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (LLMC) ,Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (1976 ) was misinterpreted when introduced by article 207 of the CMC .“Operation of a Ship”should have included the meaning of physical control of a vessel ,not only business running of a vessel .A new‐build vessel in sea trial should be governed by Chapter 11 of the CMC also .A ship builder could be deemed as the ship‐owner who has the right of LLMC .From a long‐term prospective ,on the purpose of harmonizing Chinese domestic law and international conventions ,as w ell as improving the development of ship‐building industry and insurance market in China ,LLMC of the new‐build vessel should be confirmed by Chinese legislation and judicial practice .