Journal of Capital College of Physical Education
A·П·伊萨也夫 B·B·埃尔利赫
A·П·伊薩也伕 B·B·埃爾利赫
A·П·이살야부 B·B·애이리혁
适应过程的模拟 运动成绩 技能状态和代谢状态的季节生物节奏 程序化
適應過程的模擬 運動成績 技能狀態和代謝狀態的季節生物節奏 程序化
괄응과정적모의 운동성적 기능상태화대사상태적계절생물절주 정서화
simulation of adaptive processes; athletic performance; seasonal biorhythms of functional and metabdic conditions; programming
The main idea of the research was to carry out monitoring, mathematical modeling of the fea lures of coordination and subordination in the interaction of functional systems at various levels to achieve biologically significant result of performance. The emergence of biology of nonlinear phenomena helps sci- entifically justify advanced training technologies based on systern synergetic concepts. It became possible on the basis of mining physiological data to provide integrated control of the status and fitness of the sub- jects. The basis of traiming is concentrated on the aspect of local-regional muscular endurance (I.RME), which helps preserve adaptive potential during socially important competitions. The purpose of the paper was to analyze the influence of seasonal factors and applied training-competitive effects on exercise per- formancc of athletes specializing in middle distance running. It was established that athletic performance in 8()0m distance running is closely related to the functioning of stomach, liver,hormonal and enzumatie ac- tivity,and in 1500 and 3000m distance running with obstacles to the characteristics of the blood system and metabolic processes. According to the pair correlation, the examined characteristics of the state of the body in 800m distance running have a great impact on athletic performance compared to 1500 and 3000m distance running. Each season of the year and traning phase are dedicated to work of different parts of the functional system which provides athletic performance.