Journal of Capital College of Physical Education
制度变迁理论 非奥运项目 权力 制度 路径依赖
製度變遷理論 非奧運項目 權力 製度 路徑依賴
제도변천이론 비오운항목 권력 제도 로경의뢰
institutional change theory; non-Olympic events; right; institution; path dependence
Based on the theory of institutional change, this paper makes an analysis on the sports rights game between Olympic events and non-Olympic events. It points out that Olympic events are the products of supply-oriented institutional change,while non-Olympic events are the choice of demand-oriented insti- tutional change. At the same time, the development of non-Olympic events is a major institutional change process that bears the feature of path dependence, which may consolidate and strengthen the achievements and influences that the "Whole Nation System" has obtained. The new system reform and innovation may encounter much resistance, which makes it a long way to go for the development of non-Olympic events. To solve the problem of path dependence is the key to develop non-Olympic events, which can accelerate the process of institutional reform and power release as well as clear away the obstacles of sports system refornx The leading role of the General Administration of Sport in the reform should be placed on sup- porting both the advantaged and disadvantaged events. In addition, the development of non-Olympic events should rely on the special role of ideology in the reform,which directly decides the direction of the sports development in China. Finally, the path choice of non-Olympic events reorganization is put forward in the study.