信息技术 虚拟世界 主权 信息主权 辅助原则
信息技術 虛擬世界 主權 信息主權 輔助原則
신식기술 허의세계 주권 신식주권 보조원칙
Information Technology; Virtual World; Sovereignty; Informational Sovereignty; Princi-ple of Subsidiary
The notion of sovereignty in Westphalia System always has connection with certain geo graphic space. The virtual world is relatively separated from geographic space, thereby the notion of sov- ereignty faces challenges from the information technology, especially the internet technology. There are two approaches to handle these challenges: the separated approach and the relational approach. The sepa rated approach which argues the virtual world can generate the notion of sovereignty by itself is not logi- cally self-consistent, and its two forms, i.e. liberalism and institutionalism, cannot provide a possible practice scheme, and therefore needs the nation to go in. The relational approach, focusing on the rela- tionship between the virtual world and the real world, and the regulation on the cross-border flow of in- formation by the State, presents three kinds of views: the mode of strong sovereignty, the mode of weak sovereignty and the proceduralism mode, each of which has merits and demerits. The informational sov- ereignty is the core concept in handling the relationship between the state sovereignty and the information technology, which includes the right to protect information, the right to regulate information and the right to share the information resource. The enforcement of the informational sovereignty should conform to the principle of subsidiarity.