Distance Education Journal
梁林梅 许波 陈圣日 于露
樑林梅 許波 陳聖日 于露
량림매 허파 진골일 우로
视像中国 网络校际协作 网络跨文化交流 网络辩论赛 远程课程交换 网络协同教研 “姊妹学校” 教育均衡
視像中國 網絡校際協作 網絡跨文化交流 網絡辯論賽 遠程課程交換 網絡協同教研 “姊妹學校” 教育均衡
시상중국 망락교제협작 망락과문화교류 망락변론새 원정과정교환 망락협동교연 “자매학교” 교육균형
"VChina"; Web-based inter-school collaboration; Web-based cross cultural communication; Web-based debate; Exchange of distance curriculum; Web-based collaborative teaching and research; Sister school; Balanced education
A distance education project named "VChina" originated in Hongkong was introduced to basic education of Jiangdong District of Ningbo, Zhejiang province in 2006. Taking "VChina" as an example, based on deep interview and questionnaire,the research summarizes four kinds of web-based inter-school collaboration activities(web-based inter-school students 'communication activities; web-based sharing and exchange of distinctive curriculum; web-based teachers ' collaborative teaching and research; offline face-to-face communication activities), analyzes three key factors influencing the success of project(a sound and strong organization; meeting the needs of regional educational development; the integration of all the aspects) and four aspects of promoting regional balanced development in basic education. With ten-year development, the project promotes the development of traditional weak schools, encourages the students ' improvement, strengthens the teachers ' professional development and boosts the transformation of teaching concept. In the end, a theory frame of Five-Coordination to ensure the implementation of web-based interschool collaboration project is put forward.