Journal of The Party School of The Central Committee of The C.T.C
党的领导 党的执政 依法执政 执政权 法 人民当家作主
黨的領導 黨的執政 依法執政 執政權 法 人民噹傢作主
당적령도 당적집정 의법집정 집정권 법 인민당가작주
Leadership of the CPC, Exercising State Power by the CPC, Law-based Exercise of State Power, Ruling Power, Law, the Position of the People as Masters of the Country
Exercising state power on the basis of law is a basic form of ruling in the new historical condition that has been identified by the CPC through arduous exploration. Law-based exercise of state power is the core part of law-based governance of the country. Its essence is to combine the concepts of people as the masters of the country and the leadership of the Party. To execute the law-based exercise of state power, we must correctly understand a series of issues, including the Party leads people, the relations between the leadership of the party and rule by the party, the origin of the power for ruling, constraints on the power of ruling, and the essence of law, so as to lay a solid conceptual foundation for the law-based exercise of state power.