Collection of Women's Studies
性别观念变迁 同期群 同龄人 代际
性彆觀唸變遷 同期群 同齡人 代際
성별관념변천 동기군 동령인 대제
changes in gender perspectives; cohort; same age group; intergeneration
In China's rapid social transition, changes in gender perspectives are affected by changes in macroeconomic systems as well as those in individuals' life cycles. Based on the notion of cohort of the life cycle perspective, this paper intends to capture two dimen- sions of a life course between historical experience and life experience, a method that has been highly recommended in studies of social change. To deepen research on social change from a gender perspective, the paper utilizes data on gender-based division of labor from the three National surveys on the Status of Women respectively in 1990, 2000 and 2010, to identify changes in urban women's percep- tion of the norm of "men dominating the outside while women dominating the inside of households." Also, differences in changes in women's view of gender-based division of labor are identified based on analysis of characteristics of cohort, same age groups and inter- generational differences. This method has provided new tools to analyze changes overtime in gender perspectives.