Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
金砖五国 农产品 CMS模型 竞争力 结构效应
金磚五國 農產品 CMS模型 競爭力 結構效應
금전오국 농산품 CMS모형 경쟁력 결구효응
BRICS countries; agricultural products; CMS model; competitiveness; structural effect
This paper uses constant market share model(CMS model) to analyze agricultural product export in BRICS countries.The result shows that structural effect is the main influencing factor for agricultural product export growth,among which growth effect and market effect have important influ- ence on structural effect. The world market demand on capital-intensive agricultural product exports is weakening while that on labor-intensive agricultural product exports is growing.Capital-intensive and la- bor-intensive agricultural product exports in BRICS countries mainly concentrate on the market with slo- wer demand growth.. The influence of the competitive effect on agricultural product export in BRICS countries is fluctuating and agricultural trade of BRICS countries resistant to exterior competitiveness is weaker. On the whole, the competitiveness of labor-intensive agricultural product is declining while cap- ital-intensive agricultural product is increasing.Therefore, this paper finally proposes several suggestions that BRIC8 countries should adjust the export growth mode and market structure, foster capital-inten- sive agricultural product competitiveness and strengthen exchanges and cooperation among each other.