Journal of Physical Education
学校体育 校园足球 校本课程 运动 游戏和娱乐活动
學校體育 校園足毬 校本課程 運動 遊戲和娛樂活動
학교체육 교완족구 교본과정 운동 유희화오악활동
school physical education;campus football;school-based curriculum;sports,play and active recreation
针对当前我国校园足球活动课程化的发展趋势,借鉴美国 SPARK 课程理念,开发小学足球校本课程的可行性。小学校本足球课程开发应遵循整体性、教育性、人本性、趣味性的原则;课程开发要素应表现为构建体育课、体育活动课和课外体育活动相结合的课程结构,拟定由课程大纲理念、教学指导纲要和比赛指导纲要构成的二阶段课程大纲,体现趣味性、实践性和拓展性的课程教材编写原则,采用课程内容教材化与教学化改造的课程内容组织途径。提出基于《课程标准》的精神开发课程、与其他学科知识的融合、与校外体育活动的结合以及注重对课程开发者和实施者培训的课程开发策略。
針對噹前我國校園足毬活動課程化的髮展趨勢,藉鑒美國 SPARK 課程理唸,開髮小學足毬校本課程的可行性。小學校本足毬課程開髮應遵循整體性、教育性、人本性、趣味性的原則;課程開髮要素應錶現為構建體育課、體育活動課和課外體育活動相結閤的課程結構,擬定由課程大綱理唸、教學指導綱要和比賽指導綱要構成的二階段課程大綱,體現趣味性、實踐性和拓展性的課程教材編寫原則,採用課程內容教材化與教學化改造的課程內容組織途徑。提齣基于《課程標準》的精神開髮課程、與其他學科知識的融閤、與校外體育活動的結閤以及註重對課程開髮者和實施者培訓的課程開髮策略。
침대당전아국교완족구활동과정화적발전추세,차감미국 SPARK 과정이념,개발소학족구교본과정적가행성。소학교본족구과정개발응준순정체성、교육성、인본성、취미성적원칙;과정개발요소응표현위구건체육과、체육활동과화과외체육활동상결합적과정결구,의정유과정대강이념、교학지도강요화비새지도강요구성적이계단과정대강,체현취미성、실천성화탁전성적과정교재편사원칙,채용과정내용교재화여교학화개조적과정내용조직도경。제출기우《과정표준》적정신개발과정、여기타학과지식적융합、여교외체육활동적결합이급주중대과정개발자화실시자배훈적과정개발책략。
Aiming at the trend of development of turning campus football activities into a curriculum in China nowadays, the author analyzed and learnt from the concept of US SPARK curriculum, and probed into the possibil-ity to develop a school-based football curriculum for elementary schools. The development of a school-based foot-ball curriculum for elementary schools should follow the principle to make the curriculum a whole, educational, student-oriented and interesting;curriculum development elements should show as building a curriculum structure that combines with sports classes, sports activity classes and extracurricular sports activities, a two-stage curriculum outline that is composed of curriculum outline concept, teaching guidance outline and competition guidance outline as planned, embody in the curriculum textbook compilation principle to make the curriculum interesting, practical and expandable, and adopt the way of organization of curriculum contents which are transformed into curriculum contents suitable for textbook and teaching. The author put forward the following strategies for curriculum devel-opment: develop the curriculum based on the concept of the SPARK curriculum and the spirit of the Curriculum Standard;fuse the curriculum with other disciplinary knowledge;combine the curriculum with extracurricular sports activities;train curriculum developers and implementers.