Intellectual Property
达拉斯买家俱乐部 药品专利 强制许可 公共健康 药品监管
達拉斯買傢俱樂部 藥品專利 彊製許可 公共健康 藥品鑑管
체랍사매가구악부 약품전리 강제허가 공공건강 약품감관
The Dallas Buyers Club; pharmaceutical patent; compulsory license; public health; drug supervision and administration
The acts of buying generic drugs are related to the system of pharmaceutical patent and its compulsory license system. In the post TRIPS era, the developed countries are committed to so called TRIPS-plus high standard to pharmaceutical patent protection through Plurilateral Trade negotiations. They want to adopt high standard to protect pharmaceutical patent in patent licensing conditions, length of patent protecting and pharmacy market accessing. But it's difficult for developing countries to accept such goal so far. For the purpose of public health, TRIPS agreement and the Doha declaration made explicit provisions on pharmaceutical compulsory license, but the implementation of restricting patent rights should be strictly limited, and high price of patent drugs itself should not be the reason to implement compulsory license. The action of patients who buy generic drugs for themselves with nonprofit purpose from abroad because of unaffordable high price of patented drugs should not be recognized as illegal.