Journal of Historical Science
И.Л.普什卡廖娃 张广翔 邓沛勇
И.Л.普什卡廖娃 張廣翔 鄧沛勇
И.Л.보십잡료왜 장엄상 산패용
日常生活史学 微观史学 日常生活 研究对象 研究方法
日常生活史學 微觀史學 日常生活 研究對象 研究方法
일상생활사학 미관사학 일상생활 연구대상 연구방법
Alltagsgeschichte; microhistory; daily life; contents; methods
Microhistory is also called Alltagsgeschichte, which is a new historical research field, mainly studies specific history and culture, political events,humar/s daily life in the ethnic and religious contexts, human~ s consciousness and behaviors. It attempts to insight into the overall social characteristics from individual behaviors, explain living conditions and social roles on the basis of specific individual activities. Opinions usually vary on its methods and contents, however, the Academia have reached extensive consensus on the interdisciplinarity of microhistory Methodology, and then gradually introduced the sociological, psychological and ethnological approaches into the scope of microhistory. Although the Russian scholars began late in microhistory study , which only could date from the 1990s, they have achieved yield impressive results. The scholars not only concentrated on the above mentioned areas, but also introduced other contents such as daily living conditions, dietary structure, traits of family and sexual life etc. into the scope of microhistory, eventually had great significance in slipping the leash and emancipating the mind.