Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
住房消费 攀比性 相对住房面积 主观幸福感
住房消費 攀比性 相對住房麵積 主觀倖福感
주방소비 반비성 상대주방면적 주관행복감
housing consumption; unrealistic comparison;relative housing area; subjective well-being
为了研究我国居民住房消费的攀比性及其对居民主观幸福感的影响,采用对武汉居民的随机调查数据进行计量分析,通过研究发现:代表性居民住房消费对其亲友中住房条件较好者住房面积的弹性约为0.7,这表明居民住房消费具有重要的向上攀比性。采用ordered logistic模型进一步研究攀比性住房消费对居民主观幸福感的影响,发现居民住房面积与其亲友中住房条件较好者住房面积相差越大,居民幸福感越低;然而,如果代表性居民的住房面积超过其亲友中住房条件较好者的住房面积,其幸福感将不受其住房面积和亲友住房面积的影响。这意味着,过大的住房面积"对他人有害,对自己无益"。
為瞭研究我國居民住房消費的攀比性及其對居民主觀倖福感的影響,採用對武漢居民的隨機調查數據進行計量分析,通過研究髮現:代錶性居民住房消費對其親友中住房條件較好者住房麵積的彈性約為0.7,這錶明居民住房消費具有重要的嚮上攀比性。採用ordered logistic模型進一步研究攀比性住房消費對居民主觀倖福感的影響,髮現居民住房麵積與其親友中住房條件較好者住房麵積相差越大,居民倖福感越低;然而,如果代錶性居民的住房麵積超過其親友中住房條件較好者的住房麵積,其倖福感將不受其住房麵積和親友住房麵積的影響。這意味著,過大的住房麵積"對他人有害,對自己無益"。
위료연구아국거민주방소비적반비성급기대거민주관행복감적영향,채용대무한거민적수궤조사수거진행계량분석,통과연구발현:대표성거민주방소비대기친우중주방조건교호자주방면적적탄성약위0.7,저표명거민주방소비구유중요적향상반비성。채용ordered logistic모형진일보연구반비성주방소비대거민주관행복감적영향,발현거민주방면적여기친우중주방조건교호자주방면적상차월대,거민행복감월저;연이,여과대표성거민적주방면적초과기친우중주방조건교호자적주방면적,기행복감장불수기주방면적화친우주방면적적영향。저의미착,과대적주방면적"대타인유해,대자기무익"。
This paper focuses on comparison of housing consumption and the influence of the compari- son on people's subjective well-being.Analyzing the data gathered from a random survey of residents in Wuhan,it is found that the residents" housing consumption elasticity of their relatives whose living condition is better is about 0.7 ,which indicates the housing consumption shows up to unrealistic com- parison.Using ordered logistic model to study how the comparison of housing consumption affects res- idents" subjective well-being,it is found that the larger the gap of housing area is between the resident and his relatives and friends, the less happy the resident will be. However, if the housing area of the resident is larger than that of his relatives and friends, the residents" well-being will no longer be influ- enced by the area gap, which means the oversize house is not beneficial for oneself but harmful for oth- ers.