Journal of Peking University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
似与非似 本色与非本色 审美标准与功利标准
似與非似 本色與非本色 審美標準與功利標準
사여비사 본색여비본색 심미표준여공리표준
similarity and dissimilarity, distinctive and non-distinctive characteristics, aesthetic standard and utility standard
There are two ways to judge whether a Ci-poem is with distinctive characteristics or not. The first way is to set up a standard and draw a defining line to distinguish similarity from non-similarity. This is the principle of our discussion. The other way is to identify the theme and choose the way of expression, for the sake of judging whether what is written is the Ci-poet' s feeling and impression, or thought and cognition; whether the Ci-poet' s reason is rational or irrational; and whether the Ci-poet uses simple straightforward narration or metaphor and analogy. These are the concrete use of the way of expression. The former is inclined to subjective sensibility, while the latter is inclined to objective demonstration and experience. However, this is not absolutely true. According to the aesthetic standard, the best Ci-poem should be one with distinctive characteristics. But according to the utility standard, a Ci-poem with non-distinctive characteristics is not unnecessarily a good one.