Journal of Peking University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
浑言则同 析言则异 地有南北 时有古今 严格的反义词
渾言則同 析言則異 地有南北 時有古今 嚴格的反義詞
혼언칙동 석언칙이 지유남북 시유고금 엄격적반의사
The meanings of two words are the same in generality, but different in analysis; different placesand different times, strict antonym
Whether the meanings of two words are the same or different must be examined by the practical use of the language itself. If the restrictive semantic components of two words are different, the two words may be either a near synonym, or a full synonym. One of the reasons why a synonym is formed is the coming of a word with the same meaning from different places or different times into the same language system. If two words have opposite meanings, but are not used as antonyms in the practical use, they are not strict antonyms.